NHSCA Board Meeting

Comfort Inn, Concord

January 23-24, 2009


Meeting Minutes


Present: Annette Belanger, Annette Blake, Jackie Creed, Beth Harrington, Charles Langille, Kim Lavoie, Lynn Merlone, Kim Seaman, Kathryn Sheridan, Susan Theberge, Donna Therrien, Holly Vieten, Shannon Bernier, Robin Hogan, Lisa Labella, Tenielle Nicholson


Meeting was called to order at 4:40 pm


Approval of Agenda: We had to delete administrative liaison from the agenda, as Esther is unable to make the meeting. Add Professional Development to Committee Chair updates. Agenda was approved with changes.




Secretary’s Report, Kim Seaman: Kathryn motioned to accept report; Donna seconded. Minutes were accepted.


Treasurer’s Report, Jackie Creed: As per the November meeting we are to take $2000 from the carryover to technology, for the redesign of our website, which is not reflected on the report submitted. Jackie will take care of this and it will be reflected at the next meeting. Lynn motioned to pass treasurer’s report, Annette Blake seconded, was accepted.


President’s Report, Kim Lavoie:

We will change the May 20th final meeting to Friday, May 15th at the Common Man, hors d’oeuvres at 4:00, meeting at 4:30 and then dinner at 5:30. It was suggested that we invite Paul Lether and Marianne to our first fall summer meeting to speak. We will still invite them to the May meeting, but just for the dinner. We made this change, as time is very limited in May.

The “EDdies” are on Saturday June 13th at the Center of NH in Manchester. If you are interested in attending, please let Holly know.

July 14th and 15th is the Summer Institute.


President Elect, Kathryn Sheridan:

Nothing to Report, except that she would like a president-elect for next year.


Elementary VP Report, Donna Therrien:


Middle School VP Report, Annette Blake:


High School VP Report, Rebecca Schaefer:


Post Secondary VP Report, Susan Theberge:



DOE Updates, Marianne Gfroerer: Not present


Regional Chair Updates:


Committee Chair Updates:

The group liked the idea of having different threads. Another idea is outcome research, especially given the fact that some positions are being cut.

Kim L. is going to contact the people who expressed interest in becoming involved on the board and/or committees.

June 2nd will be the early bird special. Registration information will go out after spring break.

They are also looking at ways to provide recertification opportunities, whether it’s ways to save money or to help create portfolios, which is the direction some schools are going.



Ways to involve others: Tabled until tomorrow



Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm

Saturday January 24th

Present: Annette Belanger, Jackie Creed, Beth Harrington, Charles Langille, Kim Lavoie, Lynn Merlone, Kim Seaman, Kathryn Sheridan, Mitch Taranow, Susan Theberge, Lisa Labella, Tenielle Nicholson


Meeting called to order at 8:45 am


Committee Updates

We discussed the possibility of having web-based meetings, such at WebCT or Blackboard, to help promote communication, not only for the Technology committee, but of other committees as well.


Kim asked that we get in writing an estimate of how many hours he expects to clock for maintenance, since we will be paying him hourly.


State of NH regional mapping: How can we make our regions more user friendly?

Current Regions:

-North-Coos, Grafton and Carroll county

-South-parts of Rockingham and Hillsboro


-Central-Belknap and Merrimack


-Seacoast- Strafford and parts of Rockingham

We have 6 regions according to our governing policies, but we have only 4 regional chairs.


With the new website we will not be paying for email blasts, so we can send regional meeting notices to everyone.


Possible new regions:

-Great North Woods - Matt

-White Mountains - Matt

-Lakes Region -Annette

-Merrimack Valley

-Capitol Region

-Seacoast - Laura

-Greater Monadnock Region - Lynn

-Dartmouth Sunapee


Kim asked if someone is interested in looking at these new names, breaking out which towns would be included in each of these. Charles is going to look at the state map and bring this back to the next meeting. We will then decide if we make official changes to the region names and towns included.


It was suggested that we invite people who are potentially interested to run regional meetings to our May meeting. Annette Belanger is going to write a job description for the regional meeting chairs. Once the website it up, we can have a link to the regions and if we don’t have coordinators, we can invite someone to join via the website.

Shannon is interested in taking a region, the Capitol Region.


We have one meeting left this year. What can we complete by the end of the year, and what to we need to think about for next year?


Highlights of progress and completed tasks:


Thinking towards next year:


We have the capability for ASCA to collect membership money for us. When you pay or renew membership with ASCA, you can also join NHSCA. We are June to June membership, but ASCA is 1 year from date of registration. Kim will look into this as a possibility.


Strategic Plan Review: areas to focus on next year


Goal #1


Goal #3



Goal #4

·        For posting resources, it would be a great connection to have a library science person to look at the resource. How does ASCA or APA do this? Beth will look into this.

·        Lynn mentioned that the research committee was supposed to promote research, but she is worried that they are focusing on one project and not the greater goals. Kathryn said that research is happening, but that it is not really being talked about (she has done bibliotherapy)

·        Susan said that having an outcome research thread at the summer institute would further promote research. Now that they have the model of how to do research, it would be great to use the summer institute to expand it.

·        Maybe the research committee should come up with a future plan for the end of the year – next steps.


Goal # 5 Ethical standards


Goal #6 Strategic partnerships


Future planning: Next year we will need to begin to look at a new strategic plan. We will need to begin this discussion soon.


To Do:

Position Binders for all Executive Board members due by the May Meeting 


Finance committee will meet in April.


We need to review meeting minutes over the past 2 years to find changes to the by-laws that have been voted on. Kim Seaman and Kathryn Sheridan will do this. They will present changes at the next meeting for board approval before we officially update the governing policies.


Should we be looking at revamping the NH model to be more aligned with the ASCA National Model? Lynn will contact Marianne Gfroerer to see if there are monies to re write it, as it is not completely aligned with the ASCA model.


Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am


Respectfully submitted,

Kim Seaman

NHSCA Secretary