Best Western Hotel

Concord, NH


Jan. 8-9, 2010

4:30 PM – 8 ish PM;  Supper Provided

8:00-11:30am; Breakfast provided



Present:  Kathryn Sheridan, Robin Hogan, Charles Langille, Alicia Langille, Annette Belanger, Esther Asbell, Mitch Taranow,  Celia Slasson,  Susan Theberge, Kim Lavoie, Beth Harrington, Annette Blake, Lisa Sloan, Sean Peschel , Mitch Taranow, Lynn Merlone


1.  Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 4:50pm by Kathryn Sheridan


2.  Approval of Agenda

Kim moved to approve the agenda and Esther seconded, motion carries.



 3. Reminder of ASCA Policy Governance


      A.  Principles of Policy Governance

·       Allows people to do what they do best

·       Determines what will be accomplished; committees, appointed offices, volunteers, and members are empowered to determine how the goal will be met


    B.  Board members’ roles

·       Speak with one vision - one voice

·       Be knowledgeable about NHSCA's bylaws, policies and board decisions

·       Bring issues from constituents

·       Support the continuous improvement of NHSCA

·       Identify and encourage emerging leaders


     C.  Ground rules for meetings

·       Stay open to input and new ideas; be willing to change your position

·       Challenge assumptions and preconceived notions

·       Base decisions on relevant data, the goals of the organization, and our strategic plan

·       Respect confidentiality of Board meeting discussions, with exceptions agreed upon by the Board


4.   Secretary’s Report:  Robin will send minutes to Kathryn from the December 2009 meeting


5.   Treasurer’s Report.

Reminder of the travel voucher process from Annette Blake.


Financial  report was reviewed  and no changes since the last meeting.  Some fall conference items submitted for revenue as well as memberships.  Bill will be forthcoming from the webmaster soon.  Reminders were noted that all bills need to be submitted within the fiscal year.


  Esther made motion and Susan Theberge seconded to accept the report.


6   Past-President’s Report


No report.


7President’s Report

·       Insurance

Annette questioned the insurance billing for NHSCA.  Kim researched the procedure to file the annual insurance policy.  Kim will ask for a new policy billing.   

·       APPI


Advocacy committee roles were discussed by Kathryn Sheridan.  The annual meetings in D.C. were explained regarding Leadership.  Lynn Merlone, Kim Lavoie, and Kathryn Sheridan are planning on the annual meeting this year. 


8.  VP Reports

·       Elementary

No Report

·       Middle School

No rep


·       High School

No report

·       Post Secondary

Susan Theberge reported a conference about Alcohol and Drug awareness at Keene State College.  NHSCA board was invited to the January 28, 2010 conference.

College course offerings  on the website-is it helpful to the membership?  Accredited programs on the website .  Southern NH University is not included on the course offerings. Links to programs was discussed to the course catalogue and registration.  Collaboration with the Professional Development Committee needs to be established.  Mitch discussed how links and organization of the website will occur.


9. Regional Chair Updates(Newly designed and accepted by NHSCA)


·       Seacoast

Lisa Sloan and Sean Peschel reported that they would like to organize two professional activities  Board members shared ideas for organizing the first meeting, budgeting, time frames, and topics. 

Kim made a motion to accept Lisa Sloan and Sean Peschel as Seacoast Regional Chairs.  Mitch seconds.  Esther reviewed the board member responsibilities:  Newsletter article, attend meetings, votes

·       Lakes Region

no rep

         Greater Monadnock

no report

          White Mountain

not present-  Another rep from the district will be explored.  Solicit through an email blast other reps for other districts

           Capital Region

no rep



no rep


           Greater North Woods

no rep

           Merrimack Region

no rep


10.  Committee Chair Updates

Mitch questioned what he needed to do on Saturday.  Kathryn detailed what technology needed for Sat.



·       Nominations and Elections

Kim noted that we do not have a president-elect for another term.  Kim noted that she had a great secretary that kept the association afloat.  The current issue is that the we need a President for next year.  LDI is a concern for the summer. We need two people as a president and a president-elect.  Kim and Kathryn will be available to consult with new members .  The new term starts July 1 then attends LDI in late July.  Kim referenced the by laws for clarification of the transition procedures and who qualifies for those positions.

·       Professional Recognition

no report


·       Scholarship

Lynne reported the letter of thanks  from this year's  applicant. She attends Rivier College. She will be invited the last meeting.

·       Student Intern Liaison

no report

Mitch offered the name of a grad student who is interested, but is not an intern currently.  The name changed to Graduate Student Liaison was confirmed. The student will not have a voting position.

Kim reported that the policy states that a committee was developed for the Grad.

·       Public Relations

Annette reported the Borders Gift Card to school counselors.  The proclamation for School Counselor Week has been sent to the governor.  Esther said she would coordinate a picture with the governor visit for a newsletter article.  The newspaper ad will be submitted to other major papers in the state.

·       Professional Development

Beth is working on a draft proposal.


·       Research

Sue asked if this subcommittee was dissolved.  Lynn and Sue want to publish their research and are still working towards that end.  Kim suggested that we make an adhoc committee out of research.  Kim made a motion that the standing Research committee be mad an adhoc committee and was seconded by Charles L.


·       Ethics (cannot attend)

Gary sent along a health progress report

·       Technology

report held out for Sat.

·       Newsletter

o      (Please Note our deadline:  February 1, 2010)

Kathryn thanked the board for their article contributions.  Five newsletters must be submitted for this year.  Four newsletters have been discussed pending the new bylaws and a membership vote.  Reminder to email new article by due date.


·       Membership

no report- Annette updated the total dollars accounted for membership.  23 new members since December.  The number of school counselors in the state was questioned.  Annette B. will check into this.  Sue. T.  will research accurate membership.

·       Advocacy(APPI appeal)

Kim reported that APPI is March 3-7, 2010. Stories and issues were solicited from the membership to bring forth to the state reps. Race to the Top Initiatives were tabled until New Business.

·       Administrative Liaison

no report



11.   Strategic Plan (deferred to Saturday)

Review of By-Laws/Policies

Five Year-Strategy Plan


12.   New Business

·       As presented by Board members

Kathryn presented a letter from Mary Ann Seney as a resignation to the NHSCA Board effective June 2010.

A job description will be posted . Pay scale will be decided later. 

Motion by Kathryn to accept resignation moved by Esther, seconded by Charles L. Motion accepted and voted upon. 


Susan Theberge raised Race to the Top Initiative, new US Dept of Education Secretary, new politics around education

Discussion clarified Race to the Top by Esther.


13.   Meeting Evaluation


14.  Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 8:08am.


Saturday, January 9, 2010



Present:  Kathryn Sheridan, Charles Langille, Robin Hogan, Susan Theberge, Kim Lavoie, Melinda Moran, Holly Vieten, Esther Asbell, Lynn Merlone, Mitch Taranow, Annette Belanger, Dino Quimby




Meeting called to order at 8: 45am


1.  Professional Recognition report by Holly Vieten

Nominations from school levels: 

4 at Elementary, 2 at Middle School, 1 at High School 

Holly questioned as to a  cap how many times a person can be nominated.  Board members discussed that there was currently no limit.


2.  Strategic Planning by Kathryn Sheridan


Brainstorming with Board Members around the present strategic goals (5).  The current strategic plan was distributed to all members. Members deleted items that have been accomplished or outdated.   A new list was developed to archive the ongoing actions.

Kathryn asked others members to look over goals 5,6, and 7 to continue or delete goals and talk at the next meeting.


3.  Technology Committee

Dino Quimby and Mitch presented  features on website.  NHSCA Scene, tabs on the website, groupings for email blasts,

Public Relations Chair, Annette Belanger(with the approval of the President), will receive emails and notices that need to be posted on the NHSCA website and the calendar.  Annette will work with Dino to post highlighted events. Board members navigated the NHSCA website to refine the usage for membership.Secretary


Meeting adjourned at 11:10am


Respectfully submitted,

Robin Hogan

NHSCA Secretary