Common Man

Concord, NH

K’s Cell 603-315-0721

May 14, 2010

4:30 PM – 8:00 PM -- Supper provided


Present: Kathryn Sheridan, Holly Vieten, Robin Hogan, Esther Asbell, Lynn Merlone,

Melinda Moran, Charles Langille, Alicia Langille, Annette Belanger, Celia Slasson, Beth

Harrington, Lisa Sloan

1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 4:43pm by Kathryn Sheridan

Introductions of Board members and roles on the board


2. Approval of Agenda

Esther moved to accept the agenda, Charles seconded, motion moved.

(Please note, in order to conserve a quorum, some sections of the Agenda may be moved

to better meet our NHSCA Board Goals. Thank you for understanding this potential



3. Reminder of ASCA Policy Governance

A. Principles of Policy Governance

Allows people to do what they do best

Encourages people to do only what they can do

Gives greater control and ownership to the board and membership

B. Board members’ roles

• Speak with one vision - one voice

• Be prepared for meetings

• Be knowledgeable about NHSCA's bylaws, policies, and board decisions

• Mentor new school counselors

• Provide direction to the Association and its leadership

C. Ground rules for meetings

• Meetings should follow the ASCA model of separating what’s from the how’s to

keep them timely and focused;

• “Be brief, don’t repeat,”


4. Secretary’s Report: Approval of the minutes from January 8th and 9th Board meeting;

Esther motioned and Charles seconded to amend and accept the January minutes.


5. Treasurer’s Report (Monthly and Projected Yearly reports)

Esther motioned to accept the Treasurer's Report as filed. Holly seconded. Motion carries.

The budget reflects the one time conference in the fall and no summer institute. We are a nonprofit

and want to keep the budget as currently stated.

Lynn pointed out that research needs to be deleted. Holly noted that spring conference is still in

the budget for further discussion. Lynn clarified the scholarship committee line item. Website

increased to $3,000.00 for group rate.

Lynn moved to accept the budget and Beth seconded. Motion carries.


6 Past-President’s Report (Cannot attend)

No report.


7. President’s Report

• Insurance- Kathryn did pay the insurance with liability.

• President carries over the archives at this meeting. Kathryn proposed to keep the archives and will organize the "boxes".



8.  VP Reports

9.  Committee Chair Updates

·      Nominations and Elections: Kathryn stated all nominations and elections are ready to go.

·      Fall Conference 2010: Holly distributed brochure for discussion of costs.  We need 100 registered to cover costs.  Increases reflect a $15.oo increase at all levels.  Student level costs were discussed. Other cost cutting options were discussed for student registration.  Holly and her committee will take ideas to the committee.

No update on the scholarship committee . 

·      Public Relations: No Report

·      Professional Development: No Report.  Beth would like to develop a link on the webpage to Professional resource websites. There has been past discussion about this link. Annette will do the link on the website.

·      Ethics (cannot attend) : No Report.

·      Technology: No report.  Kathryn will address some of the discussed issues with the Technology Committee chair.

·      Newsletter: One more newsletter deadline on June 1, 2010.  Kathryn urged members to submit articles for the newsletter.  Holly wanted a clarification of the change from 5 to 4 articles.

Esther motioned to have 4 newsletters/year.  Charles seconded the motion.  It also needs to be addressed in the by laws by the fall conference.  Motion carried.

(Please Note our next deadline:  June 1, 2010 We need YOU!)

·      Membership: No additional members.  Mary Ann will submit the current members.  NHSCA has about 50% membership

·      Advocacy: No report

·      Administrative Liaison: No report.  Positions are being cut, particularly the directors.  Esther suggested the Time/task worksheets as a way to show data and what we do.  Develop hard data for your positions and supporting students academically.  ASCA has a time/task analysis that is valuable.  Google calendar was suggested as an effective tool. 


10. Regional Chair Updates (Newly designed and accepted by NHSCA)



11. Strategic Plan


Five Year-Strategy Plan

Review of By-laws/Policies

12.   New Business



13.   Adjournment

Esther motioned to adjourn @ 7:17 and seconded by Charles. L.


Respectfully submitted.

Robin Hogan

NHSCA Secretary