NHSCA Board Meeting
November 15, 2011 4:00 – 7:30
NHTI Student Service Center Room 307
Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance: Robin Hogan, Lynn Merlone, Kathy Hoppa, Mitch Taranow, Celia Salson, Beth Harrington, Stephanie Collins, Robin Gregg, Brent, Bill Hughen, Amy Muscott, Holly, Becky Russell, Adrienne Baker, Annette Blake, Charles Langille
Call to Order 4:20
● Welcome
● Approval of agenda
● Discussion of changing order of agenda
Secretary’s Report
● Approval of September Board meeting minutes
● Motion: Robin Second: Mitch Approved
Technology Committee Chair Report
Technology Report 11/2011
Wildapricot is working out well. Membership management, event management, and bookkeeping are functioning smoothly and efficiently. Mel rates it an 8 out of 10 overall so far, and the learning curve is flattening.
Groupsites (the company that hosts NHSCA SCENE) did not send us a bill to cover services from April 2010 through April 2011. We just received it along with notification that our rate will be raised from $2 per person to $2.50 effective April 2011. Regular rate is $4 per person. We plan on duplicating Groupsite functionality using Wildapricot and other existing resources by next April, obviating the need for Groupsites. The look and feel might not be as sophisticated, but this is offset by cost savings and the added simplicity of having members go to one site for all their needs.
This year’s technology budget may be skewed because some of last year’s expenses will be charged to this year. We do not anticipate incurring expenses this year beyond subscription fees, so this should not pose a significant problem.
Lou Yelgin has offered his services to the Technology Committee. Thank you, Lou!
During board meeting:
● Use of online payments for conference worked well
● Looking to discontinue SCENE when the bill is due in April
● Continue to make changes for website to be user friendly and applicable to the profession and members
President’s Report
At the NHSCA Board’s request, I contacted ASCA regarding College and Career Ready and ASCA’s relationship to organizations such as College Board and ACT. I spoke with Eric Sparks On September 8th. Eric reported ASCA does not currently have any literature on this topic while pointing out that the ASCA Model is all about College and Career Ready. He outlined how one might research and prepare a white paper.
ASCA does not serve on organizations such as the College Board or ACT but has worked with them on specific projects (e.g. Finding a Way (May 2009) report).
Fall Conference Committee Chair Report
We had 30 people attending the Leadership workshop on October 27 and 146 attendees on October 28. Feedback was positive regarding format and speakers. Unfavorable comments were generally about the rooms being crowded and needing to move chairs to accommodate everyone. I am putting together a list of suggestions for next year’s conference committee ranging from when to buy folders at their lowest price to contacts for possible sponsors.
During the board meeting:
● Recognition and thank you given to SAU 17 for assisting in the management of grant funds for NHSCA
● Recognition from board members given to president for her efforts to put together a successful conference with the committee
President Elect Report
During the board meeting:
● Update on conference evaluations being read
● Robin would like to establish a new conference committee, need to start planning fall 2012 conference
Administrative Assistant Report
Report sent in:
Membership – We have 317 members, 4 are retired and 6 are students.
Newsletter – We have 8 ads. Reminder emails were sent and telephone calls were made to previous advertisers.
Directory – We have 9 ads at this time. Updates are being finalized and a cover has been chosen.
Seacoast Regional Representative
No report
North Country Representative
Partnering with Paula from White Mountain Region. Regional meeting November 16th at White Mountain Community College. Brian from NHHEAF will be presenting.
Monadnock Representative
Robin Gregg nominated as new representative
Motion to accept new representative: Lynn Second: Celia Accepted
Lakes Region Regional Representative
No report
White Mountain Regional Representative
Report sent in:
Brian Walker from NHHEAF and I are teaming up to put together a meeting for North Country Counselors on November 16 at WMCC from 9am-12pm. Brian has graciously offered to help organize NHSCA counselor meetings for the North Country in conjunction with NHHEAF. NHHEAF will provide a financial aid update/preview. Also, June Schlaumbach from the PSU financial Aid office will be there to answer questions from the guidance counselors about financial aid and anything else related to the admissions process. Scott Power from NH scholars will stop by as well. Coffee and juice will be provided in the morning, lunch will be provided. Time will be provided for North Country counselors to meet and network during lunch.
Public Relations Committee Chair
No report
Discussion during board meeting:
Former public relations chair passed on some paperwork regarding the position
Ideas generated regarding ways for the committee to be productive:
○ Proclamation/press releases for School Counselor week
○ Press releases on programs happening in the schools, or the community
○ Obtain a list of media contacts, build relationships with these contact
○ Offer reproducible articles for counselors to use within their school district
○ Regional Reps. could provide information to the public relations chair
○ Send out Holiday cards to specific people/organizations such as the governor and NHDOE
○ Connecting with counseling professors at colleges
○ ASCA has a public relations tool box of resources
NHSCA member Amy Muscott volunteered to help with this committee
Past President
No report
Nominations and Elections Committee Chair
During board meeting:
● Email will go out into ballot form in May newsletter
● Reported vacancies are on the board website
Scholarship Committee Chair
Deadline for the scholarship is today
Professional Recognition Committee Chair
Report sent in:
I have submitted a reminder about School Counselor of the Year for the newsletter. I am in the process of sending out over 600 emails to Principals in the state with the nomination packet. Thank you Mitch for helping me figure out a manageable way to do this :) This way, we do not have to spend money and time on the snail mail packets being sent out. I am also offering for people to submit their packets electronically or the old fashioned way this year.
Guidance Director Liaison
During board meeting:
● Guidance Directors have quarterly meetings. At the last meeting the topic was how there is a lack of NH counselors going on tours of NH colleges.
● Meetings for guidance directors will rotate from college campus to college campus
● ACT competing with College Board giving $5000 to the state for training.
● Need to stay connected to DOE liaison.
● Important to receive key messages from Department of Ed. That are sent out monthly to help people understand what DOE is doing at the political level
Graduate Student Liaison
New liaison: Brent Clanin
During board meeting:
● Compare program requirements from 4 schools, Keene, PSU, UNH, Rivier College
● Get information out to the students at the colleges about NHSCA
● Connect with Susan regarding Keene and Robin regarding PSU
● Idea of having a website chat for students to discuss programs, how to be a part of NHSCA
● Idea to have students share their papers through the newsletter for articles
Treasurer’s Report
During board meeting:
● Currently the board has used $1500 in mileage and the yearly budget is $3000
● Most dues came in October, there will be another boost in May
● Concern about membership numbers being down: Emails last went out in October, discussion about personalized messages for those who have not renewed.
● Conference netted $4000
● Discussion about whether mileage compensation for the fall conference is appropriate when the conference is complimentary: board looked at travel and mileage policy: Mileage reimbursement provided for all required board business
● Auditor requests mileage map such as Google Maps be attached to every mileage reimbursement form
● Article 2 item 4 in the treasurer's report does not include mileage to NHSCA fall conference
Motion to accept: Beth Second: Robin Approved
Board Discussion: Board Governance in Uncertain Times: Utilizing our Resources
Discussion ensued regarding:
● Conserving money and time
● Maximizing services to our membership while minimizing cost of board activity and depletion of personal resources (avoiding burnout)
● Analysis on how time has been spent during board meetings: reviewed handout given on data from Aug 2008-2011
● Discussion on increasing board members attention and time reaching out to local regions
● Discussion on utilizing technology in order to conduct board/committee business via web
Newsletter Committee Chair
During board meeting:
● Articles have been received from board members
● Unsure of the ad sizes that will be in this newsletter
● Filler articles will be needed
Middle School VP
Becky Russell nominated as Middle School Chair
Motion: Charles Second: Lynn Accepted
Elementary School VP Report
Level sharing was conducted by Robin Hogan in my absence at the NHSCA Conference Oct. 28. Thanks to Robin we have some notes that I will share with the board on Tues.
What are the hot topics at the Elementary Level ?
What can NHSCA do?
I will be writing a book review for the next newsletter about four books that one of our members has written, (Annie MacDonald, Elem Counselor, Keene, NH), who will also be presenting at the ASCA Conference in Minneapolis.
High School VP Report
During board meeting:
● CHINS petitions for truancy are gone, yet students need to be in school; DCYF will take reports but difficult to make a case of educational neglect. Resource officer will pick up students if parents call but they do not seek out truant students. Truant students are getting into trouble and taking up time. There are not a lot of resources to help.
● Goal for High School is to look at what community resources are available. Send along information to Charles Langille if you know of any resources.
● Mental health diagnosis needed first to be possible to participate in CHINS program.
● Possibility to advocate for this cause as an organization.
Information gathered at NHSCA Fall Conference Level Sharing discussed:
NHSCA Fall Conference 10/28/11
Elementary Level Sharing
● Access to students
● Social emotional growth needs to be valued
● Non-guidance or administrative duties
● Technology use & support
● Lesson/group planning time
● Curriculum mapping as technology
● Anxiety level high as school
● Time with other school counselors as supervision
● Academic achievement tied to success
● No emotional assessments for school counselors
● EX Analyze
● Data Driven decision-making
What can NHSCA do?
● Public Relations about social/emotional growth as an important issue
● NHSCA website for school counselor work
● Keep newsletter relevant
● Connect with NH School Admin Assoc
● Invite NHSAA to Board meetings or NHSCA conference
● Teach Administrators about the work
● Connect social/emotional data with literacy and test scores
● Task group working together with other states
● Connect with PSU, KSC, Rivier for grad work
● Connect with ASCA and Elem VP
● School Psychologist connection
Middle Level Sharing
● Hetero vs. Homogeneous groupings
● Communication with Admin and teachers
● More and More Tasks –
● Roles & responsibilities at different schools and how counselors are making those work
● Role of Changing Economy on Districts
● Curriculum and getting into the classrooms
● Guidance required to be involved in administrative duties/discipline
● Having to do schedule changes for students (current & new)
What can NHSCA do:
● A refresher on 504 law or similar workshops
● Reach out to the counselors in the northern part of the state
● Pooling resources to share throughout the state
● Opportunities for sharing ideas – eg NECAP- different strategies that schools use and the level that each school involves the counselor.There was some interesting discussion about a "Survivor" themed NECAP week. A counselor talked about how they do Survivor with team activities between tests and said that they go the idea from Dover.
High School Level Sharing
● How to get the ASCA model working in schools when schools economically can't?
● Partnership with NH School Board? Liaison
● Communication to school boards/supers across the state
● State wide meetings with schools closed? VT model
● Advocacy for Education
● How to support National School Counseling week?
● Transition (staff)
● Drugs
● Parents (connections, reach out)
● Time (want to do vs have to do)
● Risk Mgt. (escaping law suits, data use)
● Integration of services
● Denial of possibilities, challenges
● Being new
● Low socio-economics
● Stress of college process
● Communications (all stakeholders)
● Balance
● Attendance (staying in once there)
● How to impact the school
● Technology
Student Level Sharing
● Build connections
● Website-feedback from around the state
● Ideas
● Promotion to students in programs
● Orientation to schools
● Regions
● Common Expectations of an Intern
● Professional Development
● Parameters of what we do
Where do we go from here?
Discussion about the hot topics as well as some of the common themes: Data analysis and advocating for the school counselor to have appropriate roles within the school
What NHSCA can do to meet these concerns
Data theme is prevalent and possibility to have the board support this need. Karen from CCSORE is available for a workshop around data: A need that would meet all levels. Data can support advocacy issues and support the need for counselors in schools. Statement made about Attendance Behavior Curriculum ABC data collection used in the Hudson school district
Possibility of a data theme workshop in the spring. Subgroup to plan: Celia, Amy, and Beth They will bring proposal to January meeting.
Bill will compose a letter to discuss concern to superintendents and principals about using counselors appropriately.
Action plans to address absenteeism and truancy to help other counselors: How do we share this?
Possibility of Idea Tabs on website: data, truancy, and roles of the school counselor
Professional Development committee will be removed as a committee on the NHSCA board
Should we remove vacant positions from the website/ administrative liaison Need clarification as to role of ethics person: What role will Susan take with ethics?
Old Business
Subcommittee for advocacy group-tabled until January.
Subcommittee for policies created and will meet separately from general board meeting… Charles, Kim, Lynn, Stephanie
New Business
Volunteers needed for Destination College March 24, 2012 at Southern NH University, Manchester
6-8 NHSCA Board members needed o help with morning registration
Timeframe: 7:15-9:15am (board members welcome to stay later to experience the workshops, speakers, lunch, etc.)
Note: Over 1000 NH Juniors and parents attend this free annual event
Volunteers for destination college event: Adrienne, Beth, Brent, Robin G, and Robin H.
Next general board meeting January 18th: Diane Raymond of New England College Henniker admissions contact person for a place to stay
Adjourn 7:10