NHSCA Summer Board Meeting

August 15, 2011 10:00-3:30

Meeting Minutes

Members in Attendance: Mel Shokal, Melinda Avellino, Holly Vieten, Robin Hogan, Lynn Merlone, Kathy Hoppa, Susan Theberge, Mitch Taranow, Charles Landell, Celia Salson, Beth Harrington, Paula Frank, Stephanie Collins, Kim Lavoie, Bill Hughen, Mary Schwarer

Call to Order: 10:10 am

Introductions: Each person shared passions for the year on the board

Guest Speaker: Tori Berube, Assistant Vice President, Center for College Planning; NHHEAF

Ms. Berube provided an overview of the programs and trainings offered through Center for College Planning.  Hand-outs were received.  All information is posted on their website www.nhheaf.org

Materials from NHHEAF for 2011-2012 year are at the printers but can be ordered by contacting Patty Smith and then they will be shipped to your school

To book school programs email Melissa Starren at  CCPPrograms@NHHEAF.org  OR contact your Regional Counselor at Center for College Planning


Memo of Understanding reviewed

$5000/ $25 per hour (200 hrs)  Question around whether conference registration is part of the 200 hours.   Mel will document hours for conference separately.  Her pay for hours spent on conference registration will come out of funds from the conference

Prior to meeting, discussion around responsibilities of Paypal took place between Mitch, Mel, Lyn, Annette. How will Paypal money be transferred on regular basis?  Mitch: notices are sent to Mel, Mel can transfer Paypal money to checking account, but not anywhere else, and she can give a refund from Paypal.   Accessing accounts has been clarified between Mel and Annette.  Lynn: Is there a need for a motion?  Kim:  nothing in policy requires motion.  Mitch:  For audit purpose, check guidelines to make sure that we are doing this appropriately? Consider outside person checking finances.  The auditor checks finances yearly for taxes. 

Memo of understanding accepted and will be signed by Lynn and mailed to Mel

Members Directory cover: board has agreed to change the members directory cover.  Holly spoke with NHHEAF for help on graphics: idea of children silhouettes or helping hands.  Holly will ask Mel to contact  ALPHAGRAPHICS about their ability to create a new graphic for the directory and what the pricing will be.   Idea for future: student contest to create a cover or rotate a student from school to school, give gift card for student help


Review of Expectations and Purpose of Board

(from NHSCA Governing Policies) – attached to agenda





 Approval of May Board meeting minutes 

Motion to accept secretary report: Mitch Second: Bill  APPROVED

after approved meeting minutes need to go up on website


Revenue carry over from last year, receiving membership revenue, 45 day requirement for reimbursement

            Do we still want summer institute in fiscal budget?

 Motion to accept treasure report: Mitch  second: Charles APPROVED

PRESIDENT'S REPORT – attached is the report given prior to the board meeting

2011 ASCA Conference

            2050 school counselors gathered in Seattle for 2 ½ days of breakouts and keynotes.

            ASCA members may access all handouts on the website following these steps:

Log in and click School Counselors and Members on top

On the side, click Professional development

On the side, click Annual Conference

            This page has 2011 Conference Handouts with a hyperlink that takes you to the conference        schedule of workshops and the handouts.

            Next years ASCA Conference is in Minneapolis, Minnesota from June 23-26.

Delegate Assembly

            ASCA uses the Policy Governance model for conducting Board business. This year the ASCA Board has revisited the model in terms of its adherence to it, and has been fine tuning their             Policies. Breakouts during Delegate Assembly featured some teaching about principles of      Policy Governance, feedback from the members, and approval of updated ASCA Position      Statements.

            As a result of this work, there will now be two assistant directors (Jill Cook and Eric Sparks).

            There will no longer be ASCA regional meetings. The thinking is that board members should be            going to the membership rather than having members come to them. Also, Board member         positions were created to reflect the perspective of  different levels of school counselors (e.g.           middle school, counselor educators) and regions, not to represent those constituents.

            For next year, Delegate Assembly and LDI (Leadership Development Institute) will be combined. This will provide training to more State leaders in policy governance and will reduce         state expenses having to send people to two different meetings. The dates for this meeting is      June 21-22 in Minneapolis.

            The revisions to the ASCA Model that were shared last year are on hold for now.

LDI - Overview of Policy Governance

I will present a brief introduction to Policy Governance. The purpose is to start some reflection on what we do well, accomplishments we are proud of, and challenges we want to address.

We have a meeting scheduled for October 27 with ASCA President Brian Law who will start with team building activities and a focus on Governance Process Policies - how we achieve our goals and conduct our business. The meeting will be from 4:30 - 8 with dinner included.

NAR 2012 Update

Counselors in the North Atlantic Region would like to continue to meet in November, not as an ASCA sponsored activity, but as a networking opportunity. This years meeting will be held at the United Technical Institute campus in Exton Pennsylvania. Details to follow.

Discussion of President's Report during Board Meeting

·      Power point hand out to look at policy governance

·      ASCA board members willing to train us for free

·      Possible LDI training with state of Maine for next summer: discussion: decision to have Lynn contact Maine and let them know we will be focusing on our own trainings at this time, but will keep their offer in mind for next summer

·      Board would like further information about the training offered in Pennsylvania for counselors in the North Atlantic Region.  Concern about the purpose, whether it would serve the members of our organization if we attend, and the political implications of attending the meeting if it is not sanctioned by ASCA

·      Stephanie LoBiondo, North Atlantic Region ASCA Representative willing to attend board meeting to assist board with board development and serving the membership

·      Review and approval of 2011-2012 proposed calendar: One change May 2012 Board meeting is Thursday May 17 not Thursday May 18 

·      Lynn willing to provide NHSCA introduction at the Middle School Intern Training   Charles willing to provide NHSCA  introduction at the High School Intern Training

·      Board meetings will now be at NHTI for 2011-2012 year

·      Update of roster




Elementary: attached is the report given prior to the board meeting

·      ASCA Conference in Seattle- was terrific. I will give a written report as my article for the newsletter.  Attended the Delegate Assembly with Lynn Merlone to represent NH. Attended two sessions on new Position Statements. Bylaws discussions and leadership within the organization.
- I have some ideas for professional development with resources from New England that I would like to report on during the meeting, regarding people within New England that could be excellent speakers and help with counselors who would like to grow their programs in the accountability and outcome data.

Discussion of Elementary Report During Board Meeting

·      New position statement at nation level being developed about bullying/cyberbullying 

·      Discussion documented in New Business regarding professional development opportunity

Middle School - vacant

High School :no report

Post Secondary: attached is the report given prior to the board meeting 

We are hoping to pilot a small mentoring project this year. This will involve matching up first year school counselors with an experienced school counselor. My newsletter article will provide details and ask for input.

The Association for Counselor Educators has put their training for supervisors of interns on hold. I am in conversation with Gary Goodnough (Plymouth) about still offering the training this year, if we can gather the appropriate resources.

I have been doing advocacy work on the Federal budget and an alternative called the Peoples' Budget, put out by the Progressive Caucus in the House of Representatives. I would love to have some time to talk about advocacy about setting new priorities on the national level (maybe at lunch) with anyone who is interested. I would also love to find out what the parameters are in terms of us as an organization engaging in this work.

·      Contact Susan if you would like further information about the mentoring project or would like to become involved.


Seacoast: no report

Greater North Woods- no report

Monadnockvacant (possible candidate)

Lakes -excerpt from report

End of May: Regional gathering in Laconia; intimate group in attendance. Meeting focused on the challenges and successes of working in the school counseling field.

White Mountains:

Update given on last years event.  Brian Walker, NHHEAF representative, assisted with the planning. College Board presented. It was a successful event.  Paula is looking for a co-chair for the White Mountain Regional Representative position




·      PLEASE inform other counselors about the opportunity to serve in any vacant board position


Technology- attached is the report given prior to the board meeting

            We have made the switch to Wildapricot and are now using an online database to manage          members and events. There’s a bit of a learning curve, but things are going well. We expect       workloads to decrease (most functions are automated) and new capabilities to increase as we get          used to the system.


            This year’s renewal notices were sent through the system, and members were able to renew        online either by credit card, by requesting an invoice, or by sending in payment. Members were          encouraged to log in and update their information directly. To date 41 members have chosen to       pay online, totaling $1600.

            We have the ability to accept online reservations and payments for events if desired.


            Mitch and Mel archive all data on a regular basis. Mel confirms the archives can be used to        construct a full database in the old system in the unlikely event this was needed. We do not see       the need to run 2 systems in parallel any longer and suggest the Board authorize an end to that            practice.


            Mel, Mitch, and Annette are working out details on who will administer the Paypal account.


Technology Discussion During the Board Meeting

·      One possible candidate for webmaster; need to have someone on retainer in case we need assistance

·      Mitch will arrange for connection to new website form old, In need of help to create design of web pages.

·       Steps to posting reports, information, or designs on website: Share with President what you want to post, President approves, then send to Mitch for upload 

·      Maintaining of two systems: All the data is uploaded, redundant to enter data into two systems  Mel: Confident in new system and has heard positive feedback from others, Refining invoices to look the way we want.  Functionally things are working,  everything is backed up on Mitch's computer and on the internet, Mel also has a back-up of all materials going into the system

·      For efficiency moving toward live registration for future conferences. Will continue with current registration process for October.

Public Relations-vacant 

Membership - vacant

By-laws/Policies By laws ad-hock committee is done, can create a policy committee

Ethicsvacant  Gary Goodnough willing to be a consultant to the board

Professional Recognitionvacant  Melinda will now be taking on Professional Recognition; Chair for this committee will consult with Robin and Holly as needed

Professional Development- vacant

Newsletter: - attached is the report given prior to the board meeting

The newsletter ad changes have gone into effect and Mel has sent out the solicitations for the ads. She received some feedback that mentioned that they understood about the price increase and they were okay about that.

I have received a quote also from Alphagraphics for improving the paper quality on our newsletter. It is a slight increase and a slight adjustment in colors, but would offer overall professional appearance of the newsletter. I will present the information and ask for Board approval to make the changes at the meeting on the 15.

Newsletter Discussion During the Board Meeting

·      Articles needed for the newsletter

·      Article ideas: committee updates or resource sharing, write to a book publisher like RESEARCH PRESS (publishers are willing to send free book to people who will read them, write and publish a review: Talk with Beth or Lynn if you would like further information) 

·      Questions regarding changing paper for newsletter were brought up such as whether the new paper was recyclable and whether the glossy cover would look odd with our 14-16 pages per  issue.  Beth will gather further information from Alphagraphics

·      Idea: offering digital copies of newsletter: could be done with Wildapricot 

Advocacy -attached is the report given prior to the board meeting

There is a need for direction from the board as to whether or not there are any issues we feel we should be tackling this year. I continue to monitor various issues at the state and national levels and respond accordingly. Should we be doing more?? If so, what?  Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Fall Conference – attached is the report given prior to the board meeting

            The fall conference will be at the Highlander Inn in Manchester October 28. We have 10            breakouts and 4 level sharing groups planned for 4 sessions (2 before lunch and two after. Event           ends with a reception at 3:30.

            On October 27, Brain Law, ASCA president, will do a three hour workshop,Get Out and Lead! beginning at 4:30. Please plan on attending this event. NHSCA members may also attend for $15.00. Universal Technical Institute will pay for the cost of the dinner in exchange for 15       minute presentation about the school.

            Brochure is being printed and mailed out. We will put it on the website along with detailed       descriptions of each breakout.

            Mariane Gfroerer will ask for up to $5000 to cover conference costs and asked that we offer     scholarships to those who are part time or unemployed. Annette Blake's husband will accept the        funds through SAU17.

            Fall Conference Discussion During the Board Meeting

·         Level sharing will be facilitated by, Charles( high school), Melinda (middle school),            Robin (elementary school)

·         Need co-facilitators for student/retiree breakout 

·         Will discuss process for facilitating at next meeting

Scholarship  - attached is the report given prior to the board meeting

            Letters have been written to counselor educators urging them to let students graduating in May            2012 know about the Jo Hayslip Memorial Scholarship. A notice is on our website and an        article has been written as well.




Guidance Director's Liaison-  attached is the report given prior to the board meeting

            News from the NHAGD (NH Association of Guidance Directors) consists of the Board meeting          this summer to finalize our meeting dates and topics for discussion. Big issues on the horizon is        technology, social networking, emotional intelligence, the role of a Director, the Common    Application,…

            Discussion During Board Meeting

·         NHAGD is looking to reduce sponsorships of meetings

·         NHAGD interested in having someone present on technology tools such as Google Apps, Google Doc. Etc..

·         An ASCA board member, Jeff Broderson is tech savvy and is willing to help others learn about technology

Department of Education Liaison – report presented by Lynn during board meeting

 Lynn met with Mariane Gfroerer earlier this month and they spoke about:

·         Updating the New Hampshire model : The process for doing this is first to ask the New Hampshire Legislature to proceed, and then need to set up a committee to do the revisions. Mariane suggested we wait until we see what ASCA is doing with model revision

·         Mariane asked us to think about conference topics that would be of interest to both counselors and psychologists

·         Counselors from the NH Department of Vocational Rehabilitation would like work with us. Lynn asked Mariane to have them contact her and we can start by inviting them to a NHSCA Board meeting

·         College and Career Ready – Mariane invited NHSCA to think about and write up a paper for what do school counselors do to ensure students are career and college ready. What standards and indicators do we use that determines whether/how students are career and college ready? After some discussion we felt we could not take this on. Lynn will contact ASCA to see if they have any documents or position statements on College and career ready.

·         Next Generation Learning -initiative to move from state testing to performance assessment Counselors should be getting on board with this. Education Deputy Commissioner Paul Leather heading this up. Lynn will send out a topic on NHSCA Scene asking what schools are using personal learning plans/ graduation plans as a first step.


Student Intern Liaison - vacant


·         Becoming Board Liaisons

            Discussion around the NHSCA's relationship to College Board and National Office of School Counselor Advocacy.  Would it be beneficial to have a NHSCA liaison on their board.  College Board is changing their mission and will be a non-profit organization.   Kim will contact Pat Martin or Vivian Fox of NOSCA (National Office for School Counselor Advocacy)  to gain more information.  Does ASCA have a position on SAT and ACT testing?  Need to email ASCA to see if there is a liaison already on College Board. Collaboration is happening at all levels between organizations.

·         Discussion of the boards current Strategic Plan and where we are in the 1,3,5 year plan

             Kim will post on the boards section of SCENE what was previously completed


·         Extending meeting until 3:30 on majority vote

·         Review of Policies - Plan of Action: agenda for September

·      Professional Development opportunity with CSCORE (Center for School Counselor Outcome Research and Evaluation). CSCORE is involved in grant work in RI to help individual counselors share the difference they make.    The organization Finding practical ways for school counselors to show the results and PR for what they are doing.  Karen $1000 day, technical support for school counselors to look at data accountability.  She gives the steps on how to get going, the steps involved real life examples of how this worked in schools  Positive Feedback from Bill on past presentation given by this group:  Celia will bring this issue to the attention of board after the fall conference

·      ASCA has free webinars on using data

·      Advocacy:   How do we decide what is important to the association and it's members? Discussion occurred around what and how we should advocate for the school counseling profession in NH.    Governing policy states advocating for role of school counselor.   Possibility of November meeting to be an advocacy committee meeting for all members to be invited to.  Any board member with advocacy ideas should present them to Kim.  Kim will develop a format to gather and share information with all NHSCA members in order to develop an advocacy campaign and recruit members to become more involved.  This information can than be shared through regional meetings this fall.  Kim will personally contact any member interested in joining the advocacy committee. 

·      NH WE CAN DO BETTER political organization may be an organization that NHSCA would like to support. Charles will look into it further and report back to the board.

·      Discussion around need for new board members to fill vacant positions, concern for board members taking on too many roles.  Governing policies need to be looked at to determine what the needs are.  September meeting will focus on governing policies.  Each person should review their job description; does the job description fit what the needs are?

·      Decided that board position reports will be posted on SCENE instead of being emailed to everyone.  Mitch will send an email to everyone on how to get onto the SCENE.  Anyone not currently on SCENE should email Mitch.

·      Idea by Holly to have representatives from board work NHHEAF Destination College event in  March as a way to show appreciation to NHHEAF for their support to NHSCA. Holly will be the contact person


Meeting Evaluation/Debriefing

President requested feedback on format of meeting.  Board in agreement that the meeting was run efficiently. 

Adjournment: 3:30pm

Next meeting will be at NHTI. Meeting dates confirmed and included in the yearly calendar handout.