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NHSCA • Membership

Membership is good for one year.

What exactly is NHSCA?

The New Hampshire School Counselor Association is a division of the American School Counselor Association and represents professional school counselors at every academic level (PK-12) throughout New Hampshire.

NHSCA vigorously advocates for New Hampshire's professional school counselors and their programs, offers meaningful professional growth and development opportunities, and provides energetic, resourceful, dedicated leadership in developing services and programs for its members. NHSCA is ultimately dedicated to fostering the best in school counseling programs for the benefit of all NH students.

Why become a NHSCA member?

Being a NHSCA member allows you to make connections with and be supported by other school counselors. In addition NHSCA provides many professional development opportunities and advocates on behalf of school counselors at the local, state, and national level.

Other benefits of membership include discounted registration at NHSCA’s annual conference, newsletters, an interactive Member Forum through the website, and an online school counselor directory.

How much does it cost?

A NHSCA membership costs just $50 for professionals and only $20 for students and retirees. The yearly membership runs from July through June.

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New Hampshire School Counselor Association

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