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New Hampshire School Counselor Association

Awards and Scholarships

New Hampshire School Counselor of the Year

Spring Fair Stall Holder Application - St John's Grammar School

Colleagues, administrators, community providers, parents, and students can nominate counselors for this prestigious recognition.  This is a simple process that requires one to create an account on our online portal, and enter the contact information for the nominee. Once this is completed, nominees can begin their application. 

Applicants must:

  • be employed as full-time, practicing school counselors 
  • have completed three years as a practicing school counselor (this experience does not have to be at the same school.)  
  • be a NH certified school counselor and 
  • be a member of the NH School Counselor Association by October of the award year

Following are the selection criteria:

  • The applicant must demonstrate evidence of implementation of a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program (such as the ASCA National Model) and have been responsible for school counseling innovations or further development of programs supporting students' career, personal/social and academic development.
  • The applicant must demonstrate leadership and collaboration in his or her work and promote equity and access to opportunities and rigorous educational experiences for all students to maximize student achievement.  Applicants must also demonstrate collaboration with stakeholders. The activities or accomplishments recognized must have taken place within the previous five years.
  • The applicant must demonstrate continual professional development as well as proof of advocacy for the profession and/or students.
  • The applicant must have the ability and skills necessary to represent the school counseling profession in a professional manner, including but not limited to high-quality written communication and public-speaking skills.
  • The applicant should maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and recognize that his/her personal conduct is held up to public scrutiny. Applicants strive to be model citizens of their community as well as the school counseling community and their broader professional community. They maintain high moral standards in their personal and professional conduct.

Applications must include a current resume, three letters of recommendation and responses to five essay and evidentiary questions.  A committee will review applications and select a winner.  The winner will be recognized at the NH Edie’s and will also speak at the NHSCA Fall Conference.

If you would like to nominate a school counselor, please visit  If you have questions, please contact Alison Memoli.


2024-2025 Courtney Menswar, McLaughlin Middle School

2023-2024 Julie Lichtmann, Windham School District

2022-2023 Jen Lyon, Groveton Elementary School

2021-2022 Alison Memoli

2020-2021 Heather Machanoff

2019-2020 Sara Wilmot

2018-2019 Monica Sawyer

2016-2017 Trish Griswold

2015-2016 Brenda Poznanski

2014-2015 Janice Deleault 

2013-2014 Kristin Burke (Elementary)

Connie Littlefield (High School)

2012-2013 Jackie Kleiner (Elementary)

Patty Styles (K-8)

Susan Puchacz (High School)

2011-2012 Julie Deluca (Elementary)

Michelle Farrar (Middle School)

Lorna Watkins-Barth (High School)

2010-2011 Bill Hughen

Jo Hayslip Memorial Scholarship

Student members of the New Hampshire School Counselor Association who are in their final year of graduate course work are invited to apply for the Jo Hayslip Memorial Scholarship of $2,000! This scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrates academic success, a vision for school counseling practice, and financial need. The scholarship is in memory of Jo Hayslip, Professor Emeritus at Plymouth State University. Dr. Hayslip was a leading force in current school counselor practices, including comprehensive guidance, and was active at the local, regional, and national levels.

The deadline for the $2,000 scholarship is November 30, 2024. The application must include the following items:

1. Verification that the applicant is: 

    • A matriculated graduate student and a New Hampshire resident in a New Hampshire state certified School Counseling Program
    • A student member of NHSCA
    • In the final year of his or her graduate program

2. Written statement of financial need

3. Work resume

4. Written statement describing your vision of the way you will practice as a school counselor (one page minimum)

5. Transcript (unofficial is acceptable) of graduate course work to date

Please email your scanned scholarship application and supporting documents to: Alicia Langille, NHSCA, at Applications must be received by November 30, 2024.



2024 Jocelyn Chase, Plymouth State University



New Hampshire School Counselor Association

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