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New Hampshire School Counselor Association

Addiction, Trauma and Children

  • 06 Nov 2018
  • 9:15 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Nashua High School NORTH

Addiction, Trauma and Children

Nashua School District & NH School Counselors Association

Invite you for FREE Professional Development!


WHEN: November 6, 2018                                                 Nashua High School NORTH

Addiction and Prevention     9:15-10:10

The objective of this presentation is to understand substance misuse prevention and to give tools to discuss substance misuse to promote communication, keep children safe developmentally from preschool to young adults. We will address Substance Use Disorder, Language & Stigma; and how substances impact brain development and learning. Presenter: Lisa Vasquez, MS, CPS

Vaping Unveiled™:  What Everyone Needs to Know    10:15-11:30


This presentation provides an opportunity to learn about the impact of vaping, Juuling and nicotine addiction on youth, including the latest trends in NH. The workshop covers e-cigarette usage in youth/teens & nicotine addiction as a concern to the public health community. Participants will gain an understanding of the current trends, popular products of e-cigarette use and will gain information to prevent future nicotine addiction and lung disease.  Presenter: Kim Coronis, Breathe New Hampshire


-LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 11:30-12:15

The Impact of Trauma & Addiction on Children                               12:15-1:10


This session will give an overview of Adverse Child Experiences (ACEs) and how they impact both brain development and functioning in children, adolescents and adults. Time will be given to explore how substance use disorder and other traumatic experiences are evident during the current Opioid Crisis. It is easy to misinterpret the student needs and the function of behavior without incorporating a trauma-informed lens. We will address the importance of understanding ACEs, behavior and why it’s is crucial to incorporate this new focus in using a prevention framework when understanding students and their social-emotional needs.


Strategies for Supporting Children in the Classroom                                1:15-2:30

This session will discuss tips that can be used in a classroom setting to help support children with diverse needs. Educators will gain helpful tools to assess student needs, incorporate a trauma-informed focus, support students, de-escalate behavior and add new strategies to their toolbox.
Presenters: Lisa Vasquez, MS, CPS & Amy Jo Muscott, M.Ed.

Please forward to interested professionals                                                                     Questions/RSVP to Amy Jo

Certificates of attendance (not formal CEU’s) will be available for the                morning and afternoon program.


New Hampshire School Counselor Association

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